Deutsche Bank National Trust Company foreclosed on second home of Edward Bui during the pandemic and he wants compensated.
The discovery protocols are biased in favor of the bank or non-bank and the gag order is in violation of the first amendment.
Deutsche Bank filed voluntary dismissal of case due to a foreclosure hold placed in the loan instituted by the FEMA and HUD. Hoyt granted it.
One can't help but notice that Snr Judge Hoyt obtains foreclosure complaints 'of color' despite the random 'blind draw' assignment system.
Incredibly, Altisource for Deutsche Bank contacted Pepco Electric and had the power company change the account into the name of Altisource.
Justice Barrett is originally from Louisiana and while sitting on the Seventh Circuit was keen to cite to published 5th Cir. Precedent first.
Deutsche Bank AG is accused of turning a blind eye to a massive Ponzi scheme that involved fraudulent real estate investments in Florida.
LIT has witnessed a decade of foreclosures. The motto on the highest court's building - Equal Justice for All - has become the most farcical.