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PHH Mortgage Retain the Cheapest Foreclosure Mill That Doesn’t Know How to File a Case

Braden Barnes of Bonial needs to go back to law school in Okie.






JUN 30, 2022 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT; JUL 2, 2022

New expedited foreclosure in Harris County.

The foreclosure mill lawyer, Braden Barnes of Bonial & Ass., P.C. doesn’t know the simple rules of separating the petition from exhibits and affidavit.

Another cheap law creditor rights law firm hired by PHH Mortgage, Deutsche Bank is a straw man..

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  1. John Patrick

    January 3, 2024 at 7:06 pm

    Can I join a class action lawsuit? Please advise. Re: CASE#2013-022641-CA-01
    A credible objection to defendants sale of his home is email evidence that shows defendant held which made the submission within the time guidelines, which negates plaintiff’s charge that the submission was late. After Defendant submitted the documents, he received letters from PHH (servicer for Deutchebank) ‘confirming receipt of those documents ‘ in early August 2023 and ‘…they will be in touch’. After emailing PHH defendant heard nothing. This late submission the plaintiff suggests the defendant attests truly is either a lie OR the result of the plaintiff’s staff, who requested additional documents at a later date. Subsequently, those documents were submitted at that later date. Further, a conversation defendant had in late August/September with PHH representative Sersak Chetrie NOW requests that the documents be resubmitted. PHH claimed they were not in English. This is why the documents were submitted later, and after their deadline. It is for THAT reason that the “sale” SHOULD have been postponed (as mutually agreed over the past 2 years) and are congruent to the letters I received confirming my documents WERE received by my bank. The defendant objects for the following reason: That PHH/DEUTCHE BANK & TRUST acted in a fraudulent manner & violated RESPA guidelines to regulation X regarding’Dual Tracking’, due Process, and never communicated any decision to the defendant. Due to the Defendant’s disability, he could not RE-efile the additional email evidence to the judge since those documents were kicked back to him and defendant did not know what to do next. The defendant worked very hard to get his ex(joint owner)to submit half of their documents(he lives in France). PHH/Deutche Bank peppered me with letters confirming receipt and even as late as Oct13th, asking to give them more time to process their papers. Defendant presumed the cancel-postponement would be placed since after several email attempts to the bank representative and their legal department he never got a reply. Then, without due process, they forclosed on defendant’s home. This, after MANY letters saying they have defendant’s documents and they will let him know. This news story spelled out YEARS earlier what my bank admitted YEARS LATER that Deutchebank intentionally perpetrated. Recently, I read an article that said the following acts were intentional which is disturbing .⬇️

    My business is in residential real estate sales and I also own a property management company(Miami beach apartment rentals), both suffered during the bank crisis but died during/after covid. Defendant applied for small business assistance yet was denied most likely due to the Chap13 he had to file to save his home the last time the bank had a sale date and did not respond to Defendant (chapt13 discharged xxxx). That the defendant never got help is tragic, homelessness is worse as a result of PHH unreasonable mistakes. Now we all find out about a scandal that the Florida government is now prosecuting employees who lied on forms to grift money FROM those programs.

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